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A Love Letter to Post-Retreaters Everywhere

Allow me to put the alternative title I wanted as well based on the current retreat I’ve just returned from facilitating.

“Awakening Aphrodite at Home: A Post-Retreat Love Letter”

I’ve got a whole lot of thoughts and emotions bubbling to the surface right now. I’m not immune to the feelings I know some of my retreaters are facing after coming back from what truly was a transformative experience in Amorgos.

The workshop material, the magical setting, and the incredible attendees had a profound impact on many of us—myself included. I’m feeling all the feels as I process, absorb, and reflect on what came up for me during the retreat and even now, as I write.

Here’s the truth: the real challenge—and opportunity—for growth comes when we return home and try to integrate everything we’ve experienced. But let’s be honest, that doesn’t feel as euphoric as the retreat itself, does it? Trust me, I hear that.

My loves, and I’m addressing myself here too:

It all comes down, as it always does, to action. To practices. The question becomes: What will I do that supports the woman I discovered at the workshop?

The answer is as unique as the different aspects of the Aphrodite archetype you each connected with. But deep down, you already know what you yearn for. You feel it.

The key? The secret? (Warning: this is going to sound mundane, but it’s so incredibly powerful.) You must break it down into small, doable actions that, when repeated, create a massive ripple effect.

It will feel like Magik.

Take, for example, a conversation you need to have with a partner about exploring your sensual side. This likely won’t be one conversation, and that feels… ick, right? The first step might simply be setting the expectation: telling your partner you’d like to explore this regularly, creating an ongoing dialogue without a definitive end to the topic.

Or maybe you feel like a fraud for “being different people” in different areas of your life. Remember, Aphrodite was many things. She acted in many ways and unapologetically exuded different aspects of herself when needed—and yet, she was beloved by gods, goddesses, and mortals alike.

So, what can you do to ease that guilt or shame?

Is it taking a risk and saying something that’s on your mind in a setting where it’s unexpected (always respectfully, of course)? Or is it standing firm and saying, “No, thank you,” or “I’m not interested in being spoken to like that anymore”? What do you need to practice?

As we return to our everyday lives, let’s remember that transformation is not a destination but an ongoing process. It’s in the small moments, the quiet reflections, and the conscious choices we make each day. The wisdom we gained in Amorgos was real, but it requires time and patience to fully integrate. So, let us be gentle with ourselves as we navigate this journey.

Let us trust that even in the mundanity of daily life, the goddess within us still stirs. Every little action you take in alignment with your truth is a step toward embodying that Aphrodite energy. And when the blues creep in or when life feels less magical, know that the magic lives in you—always. You only need to pause, breathe, and remember.

To all my fellow travellers, I send you love, strength, and the reminder that this journey of self-discovery never truly ends. It’s not about perfection, but the practice of showing up as your fullest self.

Repetition creates Ripples.

Love, Arlene


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